WisLoan & Telework
WisLoan and Telework are statewide alternative loan programs that allow Wisconsin residents with disabilities to finance assistive technology, home modifications, or equipment needed to become self-employed or to work from home. Here are the details of these programs.
- Loan amounts range from $500 to $80,000. You may apply for the amount you need, but the actual loan amount will depend on the item you purchase and your ability to repay.
- With a WisLoan, you can purchase assistive technology or home modifications that help a person with a disability live more independently and productively.
- With a Telework Loan, you can purchase equipment to start a business or to become self-employed.
- You can apply if your credit record is poor. The loan approval officers will take the reason for your poor credit into consideration. Some applicants are denied, but the criteria for WisLoan and Telework are more flexible than most commercial loans.
- You can apply if you don’t have a job. Your Social Security, disability, or retirement benefits and other sources of income are considered. Your debt, credit history, and residential stability are also important factors.
- If you are a resident of the counties of Jefferson, Kenosha, Racine, Rock, or Walworth, you should contact Society’s Assets for more information - 1-800-378-9128. If you are outside of this area, contact the Independent Living Center that serves your home county for more information. Click this link to find your local Independent Living Center.
WisLoan Down Payment Assistance Program
The WisLoan Down Payment Assistance Program works with WisLoan applicants to reduce the overall amount of the loan, which reduces monthly payments and the overall debt-to-income ratio.
Loans can be used to purchase the following technology or equipment, but are not limited to:
- Wheelchairs and motorized scooters
- Hearing aids
- Magnifiers and other visual aids
- Control/switches for lights, doors, and applications
- Vehicle lifts and adaptive hand controls
- Tools and equipment
- Telecommunication devices
- Home modifications
The WisLoan DPA program is a down payment assistance program in partnership with the Administrations for Community Living (ACL) through the US Department of Health and Human Services. We are offering down payment assistance for WisLoans that are approved for consumers in Wisconsin.
You must submit an application in conjunction with your WisLoan application. Your down payment assistance will be based on your household income level. Down payment assistance can range from 10% - 60% taking into consideration your approved WisLoan Loan amount and the overall Assistive Technology purchase.
Funding is limited and all down payment assistance is based on funds available.
To learn more about the Down Payment Assistance program, Click Here.
In accordance with the Stevens Amendment, all HHS grant and cooperative agreement recipients are required to acknowledge federal funding when publicly communicating projects or programs funded through HHS federal financial assistance. This project is supported by the Administration of Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $410,645.00 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government. This Project is partially supported by WisTech, Wisconsin’s State Assistive Technology Program.