About Society's Assets

Welcome to Society's Assets

Society’s Assets, a Center for Independent Living (CIL), is a nonprofit and nonresidential organization that plays  a crucial role in supporting individuals with disabilities. Last year we served over 3,000 people. We are a resource for people with disabilities.  

Here is a summary of the who, what, where, when, why, and how. 


Volunteers and Community Members:
Volunteer Board and Committee members and community advocates with disabilities support the organization’s mission. 

Individuals with disabilities work with consumers and may refer to professionals in the disability support field. 


Services and support that enable people with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in their communities are provided. 

We have five Independent Living (IL) Core Services.

  1. Information and Referral 
  2. Independent Living Skills Training 
  3. Individual and Systems Advocacy 
  4. Peer Support 
  5. Transitions – Support for leaving or avoiding institutions and returning or staying in community-based residences is provided. Youth with significant disabilities receive support to transition to life after high school.  

Additional Services:
Assistive Technology (supported by WisTech), Home and Vehicle Accessibility Assessments, Benefits Counseling, Home Care Services, and Representative Payee Services. 


We serve the counties of Jefferson, Kenosha, Racine, Rock, and Walworth. 


Established in 1974:
We continue to support people with disabilities in meeting their goals for independent living. 


We ensure the rights of all persons with disabilities to live and function independently in the community of their choice, by supporting individuals’ efforts to become integrated into community life. 

Data shows that one (1) in four (4) adults report having a disability. Many individuals with disabilities face challenges that require specialized support to live independently. 

Intended Audience:
Individuals of any age with a disability, including both visible and nonvisible disabilities, receive services. 


We are funded through a combination of federal, state, and county grants, fees for services, and donations. 

We use a person-centered services model. Society’s Assets has a pivotal role in fostering autonomy and self-determination for people with disabilities, helping to build more inclusive communities. 

5200 Washington Avenue, #225
Racine, Wisconsin 53406

(262) 637-9128
(800) 378-9128
Relay Number: 711

A resource for people of any age with any type of disability.
If you have a disability and need help, call us at (800) 378-9128.

Our Commitment to Competent and Confidential Service Provision

Society's Assets and SAI Home Health Care protect information about our clients. For more information, read our Notice of Privacy Practices.