World Hearing Day

Over 430 million people around the world are affected by hearing loss. To raise awareness on how to prevent or deal with hearing loss, the World Health Organization (WHO) created World Hearing Day. Held each year on March 3, the following link provides more information. Click here.
Noise-induced hearing loss is preventable. Regular, repeated exposure to unsafe volume levels, such as listening to loud music, can cause hearing loss. Exposure to excessively loud noise for long periods in the workplace or at home while using a leaf blower, lawnmower, or power tools can also result in noise-induced hearing loss. Avoid the noise. Use hearing protection around loud sounds. Turn down the volume or listen for less time when using personal audio devices. Move away from the sound source.
Hearing loss caused by aging cannot be prevented. Recognize that hearing loss is linked to many other health conditions, such as cognitive decline, depression, and balance problems. Doug Aretz, Independent Living Coordinator at Society's Assets, provides information and equipment demos that help people stay involved and active. "Don't withdraw from activities and conversations. Try out the telephones and listening devices to find a match for your needs. Is it a cell phone amplifier? Perhaps it is something called a pocket talker that allows people to watch TV without cranking up the volume and chasing others from the room." Aretz is happy to set up an appointment so you can learn more.