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Promoting White Cane Awareness Day October 15

Image of a White Cane

White Cane Awareness Day has been observed annually in the United States since October 15, 1964. The observance reminds the community and educates drivers on the 1947 traffic law that requires such precautions as may be necessary to avoid accident or injury to the pedestrian.

When you see a person using a white cane, remember that the cane is a tool for safely and independently navigating the environment. Stop your vehicle or cycle no closer than 10 feet, giving the person the right of way. When people who are blind or have low vision have the tools they need, full participation in society is possible.

Leading up to and continuing after White Cane Awareness Day on October 15, Society's Assets, with help from a Lions Club grant, is sharing stories of area residents as they are out and about in their neighborhoods, shopping centers, school, and work sites.

Contact Society's Assets for more information on obtaining a white cane or other disability-related services, including home modifications, accessibility solutions, and in-home care. If you have a disability and need resources, call 800-378-9128.